Author: Tom Meredith

Ecommerce Facebook Video Ads

Episode 63: How Ezra Firestone Sold 84,583 Jars of Face Cream Using Video Ads

Ezra Firestone is back with the Perpetual Traffic experts, and he’s sharing the Facebook video funnel that sold over 84,000 units in three months (Find his funnel in the show notes resources!).

Ezra details numbers, video views, retargeting, and much more. Listen to discover how you can imitate his funnel that generated three million video views at 23¢ a view!

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Episode 61: How to Spend Your First $100 on Facebook Ads for Local, Online, and Physical Products

Just starting out with Facebook Ads Manager? Operating on a tight budget? You don’t want to miss this episode.

Molly, Ralph, and Keith each take you through their start-from-scratch approach using only $100 in Facebook ad spend in three different core industries: local or service based businesses, physical product (ecommerce) businesses, or digital/informational product businesses.

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Episode 59: 7 Facebook Ad Critiques

Fine tune your ad writing skills as the Perpetual Traffic crew reviews ad copy from businesses making education, SaaS and ecommerce offers on the Facebook ad platform.  Keith, Molly and Ralph reveal what works and what doesn’t with the hooks, headlines and calls to action of these ads.

To see the images of each ad visit and access the Episode 59 shownotes.

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Episode 58: How Basic Bananas Fills Local Events with Facebook Ads

The experts are joined by special guest, Franziska Iseli, co-founder of Basic Bananas, to detail how Basic Bananas uses Facebook ads to fill their events, which has ultimately helped to grow their business. Franziska will share the system she and her team have utilized to sell out events in every major city in Australia, and then internationally in major cities in the United States and Canada.

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Episode 57: How to Launch a Product with Facebook Ads (Case Study)

Join the experts to learn the tactics and results of how DigtitalMarketer launched its latest product using Facebook ads. You can use this strategy for both physical or informational products, no matter your budget or the size of your email list.

In this case study episode, we’ll detail how many ads DigitalMarketer ran, how much they spent, what their follow-up ads were like, how they got people to consume each Lead Magnet, and more!

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Dollar Beard Club Viral Videos

Episode 56: How Generated 100 Million Video Views in 13 Months

Chris Stoikos, co-founder of Dollar Beard Club, joins the experts to discuss his approach to making viral videos and creating a “tribe” of loyal customers.

In thirteen months, his strategy saw the launch of his business, generating 100 million video views and over $11.5 million without any venture capitalists. Learn his video making process that will work for any business, even if your industry is “boring” (<< and you don’t need a big budget to do it).

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