Category: Most Popular Podcast

Episode 80: Facebook Messenger Ads: Everything You Need to Know

This is something you can’t ignore.

Listen and follow along with Molly’s slides to learn how DigitalMarketer has been using Facebook Messenger Ads, so you can not only stay on the cutting edge, but also come up with a unique strategy to connect with your audience, reach new people, and really stand out in today’s environment.

The companies who figure out Messenger ads and use them in their Customer Journey are going to win.

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Episode 01: The Future of Paid Traffic

We’re excited to announce the first ever episode of Perpetual Traffic. On this episode, you’ll learn why online traffic is just like rice. It’s a commodity. When you’re ready to buy traffic, you go to the traffic store…. you just have to know which store is best for your business! You may think that you have a “traffic problem”, but we’re here to tell you that you don’t (and exactly what you should be doing to drive traffic to your offers). This episode is all about the future of paid traffic. Where online advertising is heading, and what can you do to make sure you’re ahead of the game.

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