Author: Tom Meredith

Episode 05: Blog + Paid Traffic = ROI [Case Study: Betty Rocker Part Two]

In the last 28 days, Bree Argetsinger (A.K.A. The Betty Rocker) has made 277 sales from her Facebook Ad campaigns. She’s getting 9 cent clicks to her website and adding over 2,000 Facebook Fans per week — all while making an enormous difference in the lives of her customers. In Part 2 of The Betty Rocker Case Study Bree reveals how she is using valuable content to drive sales using a process the Perpetual Traffic experts (Keith, Molly and Ralph) call Blog Amplification.

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Episode 04: Your First 3 Steps: Facebook Ads [Case Study: Betty Rocker Part One]

In this episode of The Perpetual Traffic Podcast, we are excited to start a 3-part series with a very special guest Bree Argetsinger (a.k.a. The Betty Rocker), a coaching client of Keith & Ralph’s at Dominate Web Media. With no prior experience with Facebook ads Bree has literally gone from being on the “hamster wheel” of constantly doing launches to her audience she built mostly using Instagram, to building a machine that produces a flow of perpetual traffic, goodwill, and new customers coming into her business every single day.

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Episode 03: Facebook Video Ad Game Plan

Want to “pixel” visitors at 10x the rate of a “normal” Facebook ad? Facebook video ads are the answer. There are now 4 billion video views per day on Facebook, 65% of those views being on mobile. Facebook has finally caught up with YouTube in desktop video minutes watched per month, and Facebook is crushing YouTube in mobile video. Keith reveals the secrets behind Dominate Web Media’s highest performing Facebook video ad campaigns. Get a peek inside the presentation Keith & Ralph attended, where Facebook revealed best practices for video ad information to big time spenders.

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Episode 02: Acquiring Customers One Pixel at a Time

If you walked up to a stranger on the street and asked them to marry you, that may be a bit creepy – right? Building relationships takes time and multiple “touches”. The same can be said for building relationships with your customers online. In this episode, Molly explains the idea of “Traffic Temperature” and how to use paid traffic to create an automated system for building these relationships. We’ll take a prospect all the way from the point of “pixel” to a repeat buyer and brand evangelist.

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Episode 01: The Future of Paid Traffic

We’re excited to announce the first ever episode of Perpetual Traffic. On this episode, you’ll learn why online traffic is just like rice. It’s a commodity. When you’re ready to buy traffic, you go to the traffic store…. you just have to know which store is best for your business! You may think that you have a “traffic problem”, but we’re here to tell you that you don’t (and exactly what you should be doing to drive traffic to your offers). This episode is all about the future of paid traffic. Where online advertising is heading, and what can you do to make sure you’re ahead of the game.

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