Author: Tom Meredith

Episode 45: 5 Proven Facebook Offers that Convert

The Perpetual Traffic experts reveal the “secret sauce” to 5 proven Facebook offers that work, and how you can implement each offer. Done right, these offers make your product or service the next logical step to the customer.

The 5 offers work across the board, no matter your industry, your product, or your price point – and people that are unaware of your brand respond to these strategies.

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Episode 44: Amy Porterfield on Launching Products with Facebook Ads

Amy Porterfield is one of the most successful (and generous) entrepreneurs in the digital marketing industry. She’s an excellent example of a marketing trainer that has built a loyal following with:

Extremely valuable content
Superior marketing
In this episode of Perpetual Traffic, Amy explains how she launches products using a combination of content and Facebook ads.

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Episode 42: 2 Facebook Campaign Metrics that Drive ROI

In this episode, our experts explain how you can increase your relevance score and click-through-rate on the Facebook platform. Using these metrics correctly will have a lasting impact on your campaign’s ROI – both in the short-term and the long-term.

Gain better understanding and control of your Facebook ads following these simple strategies, and Facebook will reward you with better impressions and cheaper clicks.

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Episode 41: 9 Ways to Increase Landing Page Conversion Rate

Welcoming Justin Rondeau to the Perpetual Traffic podcast, today we’re sharing the 9 simple tactics you can implement on your landing page to increase conversion rates without adding additional ad spend to your ad campaign.

These 9 tactics are the small hinges that swing big doors.

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Episode 40: 4 Facebook Metrics Critical to Your Success

There are 4 metrics the experts use everyday to measure the success of their Facebook campaigns. In this episode, we’ll discuss how to use the metrics, and where to find them in the Facebook Ad Platform. The metrics will help you troubleshoot your Facebook campaigns, scale up and make improvements, and help you plan for the future.

For all of you questioning how to track the success of your Facebook campaign, or wondering what these numbers mean – we have the answers ready for you.

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Facebook ad updates

Episode 39: 5 Cutting Edge Facebook Ad Updates

Facebook is implementing new elements that will enhance audience features, and give marketers even more specific targeting options within the Ad Platform. In Episode 39, the experts talk in detail about these five new features, why they’re excited about them, and how the updates should save you time, allow you to be even more specific in your targeting, and boost your ROI.

Look for Keith’s How-To Video on one of the brand new features in the podcast show notes.

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Episode 38: The 4-Step Podcast Launch Strategy

In Episode 38 of Perpetual Traffic, you’ll get the exact 4-step strategy we used to launch our podcast. We’re sharing how we got started, the mistakes we made, and how we’ve made it to 430,000 downloads – that’s about 11,000 downloads for each episode!

Download the slides in the podcast notes and follow along – you’ll find examples of how we continue to generate buzz for the podcast in Slides 46 and 47.

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Episode 37: The 5 Biggest Facebook Ad Campaign Mistakes

In episode 37, the Perpetual Traffic experts are sharing the biggest mistakes they see people making while running paid traffic… and their solutions for not falling into the same traps.

If you’re running traffic on Facebook and want to see better results, and more return on your Facebook advertising — you need to make sure you’re not committing any of these mistakes. And if you are — fix them using the experts’ suggestions.

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Episode 36: What is Facebook’s ‘Relevance Score’? (…and other questions!)

This week Perpetual Traffic hit another milestone — 400,000 downloads. Wow, thank you! It’s you — the listeners — that have gotten us to this mark, and we hope you’ve all gotten enormous value from every episode. This bring us to our episode this week…

In this episode, Molly, Keith, and Ralph answer questions sourced straight from the listeners. Members of DM Engage and Facebook Ads University posted their questions and upvoted popular topics for the experts to answer, explain, and share their experiences on.

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