Author: Tom Meredith

Episode 15: Selling Music Training with Paid Traffic

Graham English started building websites and learning digital marketing techniques to promote his rock band. Today, Graham has turned his passion for music into profitable digital businesses in the music industry.

Over the last 24 months, Graham has grown his business over 400% using the repeatable process he shares in this episode of the Perpetual Traffic podcast.

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Episode 11: Derek Halpern’s Traffic Strategy: Organic + Paid Traffic

Derek Halpern of Social Triggers joins Keith, Ralph and Molly to reveal his method for building blog traffic using both organic and paid methods. Derek has built a massive following (and email list) on Social Triggers by creating curiosity based content and layering conversion based content with retargeting ads to complete the customer journey. Look out at the 25 minute mark as Derek, Keith, Ralph and Molly recap the Social Triggers traffic strategy and provide a tactical example you can apply to your business.

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Episode 09: Content Marketing + Paid Traffic: Part 1 – Calls to Action, “Splintering”, and 5 Killer Blog Post Types

In the first eight episodes of the Perpetual Traffic podcast you’ve learned the power of running paid traffic to outstanding content that properly positions your products and services to ice cold prospects. But how do you actually create this epic content? In the first of a two-part series, the Perpetual Traffic crew are joined by the Director of Editorial at Digital Marketer, Russ Henneberry, to reveal his 6-step process for creating content that sells.

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Episode 07: Picking the Right Ad Platform: Where is Your Market Hiding?

Should you buy traffic from Google? Instagram? Bing? Facebook? It depends. In this episode, the Perpetual Traffic experts (Keith, Molly and Ralph) teach you to avoid the first (and biggest) mistake people make when buying traffic. You’ll learn to determine the right ad platform for your offer so you can put your marketing in front of your ideal customer. The truth is that the quality of your offer, ad creative and landing pages means nothing if you don’t find your market. Learn the Perpetual Traffic method for picking the right ad platform in today’s episode.

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Episode 06: Betty Rocker’s Facebook Ad Plan: What’s Next? [Case Study: Betty Rocker Part Three]

Bree Argetsinger (A.K.A. The Betty Rocker) is back for the third and final part of her Facebook ad case study. Since implementing here Facebook ad plan, Bree has been able to stabilize her sales and eliminate the need to run one exhausting product launch after another.

Bree and the Perpetual Traffic experts (Keith, Molly and Ralph) bring The Betty Rocker story to a conclusion by tying together tactics with her blog, Website Custom Audiences and Facebook Video ads. You’ll also get a glimpse into the next steps that Bree will be taking to ramp up her business even further using some new Facebook ad tactics.

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